Load packages


Load data


Figure S9: Absolute comparison at Order level

First we need to extract the relevant Orders.

top50 <- amp_heatmap(data = bbn, 
                     group = "Beadbeating", 
                     tax.aggregate = "Order", 
                     tax.empty = "remove", 
                     tax.class = "p__Proteobacteria", 
                     order.y = "400s6ms", 
                     tax.show = 50, 
                     output = "complete", 
                     tax.add = "Phylum")

top50_names <- levels(top50$data$Display)

.. which are then used to define wich orders to plot in the absolute comparison.

amp_heatmap(data = bbn,
            group = "Beadbeating",
            normalise = "40s6ms",
            scale = "Concentration",
            tax.aggregate = "Order",
            tax.empty = "remove",
            tax.class = "p__Proteobacteria",
            order.x = c("20s4ms","20s6ms","80s4ms","40s6ms","80s6ms","160s6ms","400s6ms"),
            order.y = "400s6ms",
            plot.colorscale = "log2",
            plot.breaks = c(0.3,1.0,3.0),
            scale.seq = 100,
            tax.show = top50_names, 
            tax.add = "Phylum",
            plot.theme = "clean",
            plot.text.size = 2
            ) +
    scale_x_discrete(labels = c("20s\n4m/s","20s\n6m/s","80s\n4m/s","40s\n6m/s","80s\n6m/s","160s\n6m/s","400s\n6m/s")) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size =6, color = "black", hjust = 0.4, angle = 0))

ggsave("plots/S9_Fig.eps", width = 120, height = 150, units = "mm")