
This report documents the binning of a Nitrospira Comammox genome from an enrichment reactor (ENR4).See Daims et al., 2015: Complete Nitrification by Nitrospira Bacteria for further details.

Load the mmgenome package

In case you haven’t installed the mmgenome package, see the Load data example.


Import data

The Rmarkdown file Load_data.Rmd describes the loading of the data and can be imported using the mmimport function. However, the preprocessed data can also be downloaded directly from figshare: Daims_ENR4. Hence, here we import the prepocessed data from figshare instead.


Data overview

The object d contains information on scaffolds and essential genes within the scaffolds. For each scaffold the dataset contains the following information: The columns ENR4A, ENR4E, ENR4F and ENR6 contain the coverage information from 4 different samples; PC1, PC2 and PC3 contain coordinates of the three first principal components from a PCA analysis on tetranucleotide frequencies; essential contain information taxonomic information for each scaffold based on classification on essential genes; rRNA contain taxonomic information on scaffolds that have an associated 16S rRNA gene.

##  [1] "scaffold"  "length"    "gc"        "ENR4A"     "ENR4E"    
##  [6] "ENR4F"     "ENR6"      "PC1"       "PC2"       "PC3"      
## [11] "essential" "rRNA16S"

The basic statistics of the full dataset can be summarised using the mmstats function.

mmstats(d, ncov = 4)
##                General Stats
## n.scaffolds           161.00
## GC.mean                65.60
## N50                198700.00
##     12846008.00
## Length.max        1306334.00
## Length.mean         79788.90
## Coverage.ENR4A        157.66
## Coverage.ENR4E        139.64
## Coverage.ENR4F        255.62
## Coverage.ENR6         150.12
##             419.00
## Ess.unique            107.00


The combination of the coverage of sample ENR4A and ENR4E provides the cleanest separation of the two genomes and are used for binning. A subspace is defined that clearly seperates the Nitrospira from the three other species.

p <- mmplot(data = d, x = "ENR4A", y = "ENR4E", log.x = T, log.y = T, color = "essential") 

#sel <- mmplot_locator(p)

sel <- data.frame(ENR4A  =  c(322, 394, 919, 805, 394),
                  ENR4E  =  c(296, 542, 525, 256, 200))

mmplot_selection(p, sel)

The scaffolds included in the defined subspace are extracted using the mmextract function.

dA <- mmextract(d, sel)

The mmstats function applies to any extracted object. Hence, it can be used directly on the subset.

mmstats(dA, ncov = 4)
##                General Stats
## n.scaffolds            10.00
## GC.mean                59.20
## N50                893253.00
##      3289576.00
## Length.max        1306334.00
## Length.mean        328957.60
## Coverage.ENR4A        469.08
## Coverage.ENR4E        347.90
## Coverage.ENR4F        646.77
## Coverage.ENR6         341.68
##             108.00
## Ess.unique            105.00

Export the scaffolds

Now that we are happy with the genome bin, the scaffolds can be exported to a separate fasta file using mmexport. The genome were then further reassembled using additional Oxford Nanopore data.

mmexport(data=dA, assembly=assembly, file = "Nitrospira_ENR4.fa")

Figure ED XX

Figure ED XX in the supplementary of Daims et al., 2015: Complete Nitrification by Nitrospira Bacteria is shown here for complete reproducibility.

mmplot(data = d, 
       x = "ENR4A", 
       y = "ENR4E", 
       log.x = T, 
       log.y = T, 
       color = "essential") +
  scale_x_log10(limits = c(1,1000), breaks = c(1, 10, 100, 1000)) +
  scale_y_log10(limits = c(1,1000), breaks = c(1, 10, 100, 1000)) +
  scale_size_area(breaks = c(10000, 50000,  100000, 500000, 1000000), max_size = 20, labels = c(10, 50, 100, 500, 1000), name = "Scaffold Length (Kbp)") +
  scale_color_discrete(name = "Taxonomy") +
  xlab("Coverage (Sample ENR4A)") +
  ylab("Coverage (Sample ENR4E)") +
  theme(panel.background = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.ticks = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.text = element_text(color = "black"),
        legend.key = element_blank())