
This report documents the binning of a Nitrospira Commamox genome from a full-scale wastewater treatment plant (VetMed). See Daims et al., 2015: Complete Nitrification by Nitrospira Bacteria for further details.

Load the mmgenome package

The metagenome data is analysed using the mmgenome package.


Import data

The Rmarkdown file Load_data.Rmd describes the loading of the data and can be imported using the mmimport function. However, the preprocessed data can also be downloaded directly from figshare: Daims_VetMed. Hence, here we import the prepocessed data from figshare instead.


Extract Nitrospira

Subset A

The combination of the coverage of sample VM23 and VMPS are used to make an intial extraction that includes the Nitrospira genome.

p <- mmplot(data = d, 
            x = "VM23", 
            y = "VMPS", 
            color = "essential", 
            minlength = 5000,
            factor.shape = "solid") +
  xlim(0,20) +

#sel <- mmplot_locator(p)

sel <- data.frame(VM23  =  c(8.75, 10.1, 15.2, 18.5, 18.9, 16.3, 11),
                  VMPS  =  c(1.67, 2.44, 2.94, 2.74, 1.83, 1.07, 1.06))

mmplot_selection(p, sel)

The scaffolds included in the defined subspace are extracted using the mmextract function.

dA <- mmextract(d, sel)

The mmstats function applies to any extracted object. Hence, it can be used directly on the subset.

mmstats(dA, ncov = 2)
##               General Stats
## n.scaffolds         5076.00
## GC.mean               62.10
## N50                 4525.00
##    17448875.00
## Length.max         43902.00
## Length.mean         3437.50
## Coverage.VM23         12.22
## Coverage.VMPS          1.67
##            370.00
## Ess.unique           107.00

Identifying the next subset parameters

There is still a lot of contaminating scaffolds in the bin. Hence, we look if they can be seperated using another combination of datasets.

mmplot_pairs(data = dA, 
             variables = c("VM23", "VMPS","gc", "PC1", "PC2", "PC3"), 
             log = c("VM23", "VMPS"), 
             minlength = 5000, 
             color = "essential")

Using ESOM on tetranucleotide frequencies

There do not seem to be enough resolution to cleanly seperate the Nitrospira from the rest of the contamination. There might be something in using the coverage from the VMPS sample and the gc content. However, we can try to use ESOM to further seperate the scaffolds based on tetranucleotide frequency.

mmplot(data = dA, 
       x = "esomx", 
       y = "esomy", 
       log.x = F, 
       log.y = F, 
       color = "essential", 
       point.size = 4, = esom_map, 
       esom.color = "grey10", 
       esom.cut = 0.15, 
       factor.shape = "solid") 

The ESOM map of tetranucleotides of the whole dataset seem to have better resolution than the PCA. However, there is still not a clean seperation to the Planctomycetes.

Generating a local ESOM map

As a final try we do a ESOM on the subset itself. First the scaffolds in the subset is exported and an ESOM is calculated based on this subset outside R using the databionic software. Note that these steps are disabled in the guide as the data is provided in the initial data("Daims_VetMed.RData") file

mmexport(data = dA, assembly = assembly, file = "vetmet_dA.fa")

Then we import the ESOM data.

esom_names <- read.delim("data/esom_dAp.names", skip = 1, header = F)
esom_bm <- read.delim("data/", skip = 2, header = F)
esom_umx <- read.delim("data/esom_dA.umx", skip = 1, header = F)

esom <- mmformat_esom(names = esom_names, 
                      bm = esom_bm, 
                      umx = esom_umx, 
                      xname = "esomx_dA", 
                      yname = "esomy_dA")

esom_map_dA <- esom$esom_map
esom_coord_dA <- esom$esom_coord

And finally add it to the excisting data frame.

dA <- mmadd(data = dA, 
            newdata = esom_coord_dA)

For completeness we also import PhyloPythiaS+ taxonomic classification of the scaffolds.

ppsp_raw <- read.delim(file = "data/ppsp.txt", header = T, skip = 2)
ppsp <- mmformat_ppsp(ppsp_raw, 
                      ranks = "phylum", 
                      ranknames = "ppsp_phylum")

And add it to the excising data frame.

dA <- mmadd(data = dA, 
            newdata = ppsp)

The ESOM looks better now and it seems like we can remove most of the Planctomycetes contamination.

mmplot(data = dA, 
       x = "esomx_dA", 
       y = "esomy_dA", 
       color = "essential", 
       point.size = 4, = esom_map_dA,
       esom.color = "grey10",
       esom.cut = 0.15, 
       factor.shape = "solid") 

Subset B

Using the local ESOM map and guided by the coverage in the VMPS sampe it is possible to exclude the Planctomycetes relatively easy.

p <- mmplot(data = dA, 
            x = "esomx_dA", 
            y = "esomy_dA", 
            color = "VMPS", 
            point.size = 3, 
   = esom_map_dA, 
            esom.color = "grey10", 
            esom.cut = 0.15) 

#sel <- mmplot_locator(p)

sel <- data.frame(esomx_dA  =  c(42.7, 42.7, 36.7, 35.4, 32.9, 30.3, 23.6, 26.2, 30, 23.6, 35.4, 39.3, 41.6, 109, 111, 101, 89.1, 76.5, 74.7, 80.6, 87, 90.4, 106, 108),
                  esomy_dA  =  c(86.5, 77, 63.3, 55.8, 49.7, 45.8, 39.6, 29.2, 24.2, 17.9, 9.71, 0.487, -2.44, -2.29, 4.29, 15, 21.3, 29.9, 37.8, 45.3, 50.7, 64.9, 78, 87.5))

mmplot_selection(p, sel)

The scaffolds included in the defined subspace are extracted using the mmextract function.

dB <- mmextract(dA, sel)

From the stats it can be seen that we actually have at least 2 Nitrospira species in the bin. Even though it seems like they can be split using the ESOM map it is not possible to obtain a clean seperation (I’ve tried..).

mmstats(dB, ncov = 2)
##               General Stats
## n.scaffolds          2008.0
## GC.mean                56.9
## N50                  4202.0
##      6607137.0
## Length.max          30150.0
## Length.mean          3290.4
## Coverage.VM23          12.6
## Coverage.VMPS           1.8
##             145.0
## Ess.unique             94.0

Subset C

To be conservative, we clean the Nitrospira bin further using the complete ESOM map. Here, we select the scaffolds we want to remove.

p <- mmplot(data = dB, 
            x = "esomx", 
            y = "esomy", 
            color = "essential", 
   = esom_map,
            esom.color = "grey10", 
            esom.cut = 0.15, 
            factor.shape = "solid") 

#sel <- mmplot_locator(p)

sel <- data.frame(esomx  =  c(20.2, 45.1, 63.2, 83.8, 92.4, 110, 116, 191, 211, 210, 232, 421, 491, 491, 434, 440, 219, 133, 119, 104, 15.9, 20.2, 105, 46),
                  esomy  =  c(166, 188, 183, 180, 216, 217, 172, 188, 212, 234, 249, 248, 195, 29.2, 9.8, -4.05, -4.6, 38.1, 15.9, -7.93, -4.6, 22, 54.7, 103))

mmplot_selection(p, sel)

The scaffolds included in the defined subspace are extracted using the mmextract function and afterwards we exclude them from the dB subset.

exclude <- mmextract(dB, sel)

dC <- mmsubset(dB, !(scaffold %in% exclude$scaffolds$scaffold))
mmstats(dC, ncov = 2)
##               General Stats
## n.scaffolds          1926.0
## GC.mean                56.8
## N50                  4276.0
##      6444050.0
## Length.max          30150.0
## Length.mean          3345.8
## Coverage.VM23          12.6
## Coverage.VMPS           1.8
##             138.0
## Ess.unique             94.0

Using paried-end connections (Subset D)

Until now we have used coverage and tetranucleotide profiles to extract scaffolds related to our genome of interest. However, some scaffolds might be present in many copies (repeats) and hence have a much higher coverage than the rest of the genome. In addition, some scaffolds will by chance have a slightly different coverage (or tetranucleotide frequency) profile than the rest of the genome and thereby also be missed.

To include repeats and other missed scaffolds we simply extract all scaffolds that are directly connected by paired-end reads to our current subset dC using mmextract_network. Only scaffolds directly connected to the subset is extracted.

dD <- mmextract_network(subset = dC, 
                        original = d, 
                        network = pe, 
                        nconnections = 1, 
                        type = "direct")
mmstats(dD, ncov = 2)
##               General Stats
## n.scaffolds          2779.0
## GC.mean                57.1
## N50                  3731.0
##      8259931.0
## Length.max          30150.0
## Length.mean          2972.3
## Coverage.VM23          12.6
## Coverage.VMPS           1.8
##             164.0
## Ess.unique            101.0

The 16S and 23S rRNA sequences from Nitrospira was not extracted using the above approach. Hence, we include them manually.

dE <- mmextract(data = dD, 
                original = d, 
                include = c("6813", "25466"))

Final plot

Finally we take a look at what we extracted. It consists of atleast 2 Nitrospira species.

mmplot(data = dE, 
       x = "VM23", 
       y = "VMPS", 
       log.x = T,
       log.y = T,
       color = "essential", 
       factor.shape = "solid") 

Export the scaffolds

Finally the binned scaffolds are exported.

mmexport(data = dE, 
         assembly = assembly, 
         file = "VetMed_Nitrospira_it1.fa")